Horizon Forbidden West
Genre: Open World
I've played the main story 1 time and given it an average score of 4 (out of 4).
This game is part of the 🤝 Collaborative collection.
Mentioned In
- Favorite Media of 2023 (🥇 Gold medal winner)
Full Plays
2023-04-12 67h 32m First Time
Took everything about the first game and improved it. Bigger world, better stories, more varied machines, better weapons, more interesting exploration, the works. The story was a little weaker, but set up some very interesting things. Plus, there's a lot of bits to find. And the stash system! What an improvement. Kudos all around.
DLC, etc.
2024-02-20 10h 22m DLC
This DLC was a fun way to get more of the same fun I had in the base game, but it doesn't tread any super new ground. A few more of every type of thing (enemy, collectible, etc) but nothing vital.