
All reviews for The Southern Reach Trilogy series

by Jeff Vandermeer

There are 3 reviews of 3 books for an average score of 2.67 (out of 4).

A book that starts out by asking a lot of questions and having a fairly strict premise. It answers some of the questions eventually but drags after it departs from said premise. Generally enjoyable, but I would have enjoyed it more if it had been a little more focused.


Slow in the middle, but picked up. Lacked some of the tension and mystery from the first one. Excited to see where the finale goes. Hopefully there are some answers!


Ultimately, I’m disappointed. He took all this time to build a world and we don’t really definitely find out what happens I what anything means. There’s a lot of colorful descriptors and dream/hallucination sequences, but not much in the way of explanation. I think it’ll make a better movie than book, which is HIGHLY unusual.
