Genre: Puzzle
I've played the main story 2 times and given it an average score of 4 (out of 4).
This game is part of the 🤝 Collaborative collection.
Mentioned In
- Favorite Media of 2020 (🥇 Gold medal winner)
Full Plays
2025-01-02 5h 28m Replay
Cute, even on replay. There are great puzzles and greater secrets, plus a charming cast and fun concept.
2020-12-02 4h 10m First Time
Delightful game! Great art style and characters. Puzzles were light, but pretty good. Great core puzzle elment - they did a good job with it. Manipulating the map could have been a little more fluid, especially when trying to match pieces that didn't fit, but I really enjoyed it all the way through.