poster for Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Genre: Punching

I've played the main story 1 time and given it an average score of 2 (out of 4).

2018-11-10 20h 47m First Time

This had a lot of potential and mostly failed to realize it. There's a lot of training Pokémon, but you don't keep most of the abilities you learn on them, so it feels like starting from scratch a lot (and wasted time). The levels are fairly empty like BBS, but flowmotion being a thing sort of helps justify that since you need space to zoom. They were also huge, which was impressive for originally being a 3DS game. They did a good job of not making the levels feel as repetitive as BBS, despite sharing maps. That said, Ven and co. felt fairly distinct, while Sora and Riku played like copies of each other (and most of the same abilities). The enemies were actiallly fairly well designed, but the bosses were mostly boring and/or frustrating. Combat also didn't feel like it had a lot going on. I was impressed by how many new worlds and characters were in this. It's also got good cutscenes and a lot of important story elements. Unfortunately, the rest of the game end up being more frustrated than fun.