poster for Metroid: Samus Returns

Metroid: Samus Returns

Genre: Metroidvania

I've played the main story 1 time and given it an average score of 3 (out of 4).

2019-06-21 14h 47m First Time

There's a lot to like here. Exploring is pretty fun and the game conveys a fair amount of story without dialogue. Controls are great and fluid, especially for and old handheld. Downsides are enemy repetitiveness and the sheer number of upgrades. Some are good, but more than a couple feel tacked on and forgotten. There's the same 5 basic enemies the whole time and there's the same 5 mini boss fights throughout. A couple of good actual bosses though. Lastly, playing this on the 3DS really cramped my left hand. Maybe because I don't play many action titles on it? But I could only play for short bursts.

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