poster for Psychonauts 2

Psychonauts 2

Genre: Platformer

I've played the main story 1 time and given it an average score of 3 (out of 4).

2022-03-25 10h 56m First Time

Charming in many ways, but also failed to be greater than the sum of its parts. There's platforming, story, and combat, but they all felt separate and not in service to each other (especially the combat). But, the only thing you get for exploring and platforming is resources to get better at combat, which is limited and boring, so it all feels a little wasted in the end. Story is good, cast is ok, worldbuilding and tone/vibe are great. Pacing was rough- _lots_ of cutscenes. Level design had a couple of good ones, but nothing that eclipses the first game. Definitely an interesting one.