poster for Tales of Vesperia

Tales of Vesperia

Genre: Punching

I've played the main story 1 time and given it an average score of 3 (out of 4).

2021-01-03 53h 17m First Time

Gameplay was great, story was meh. Sheer amount of content was remarkable. Decent sidequests. Definitely a bit of a slog and could have cut the third act. But, the game itself was fun to play. Felt a lot like ToS in a lot of ways, but with worse characters. They were pretty cheesy. Dungeons were ok, as was the overworld. I think the thing that saves it is the complexity of the battle system, which is _incredibly_ customizable. Maybe too much so, but there is a lot of depth. I raced it towards the end, but I could see savoring this for longer (or even re-playing it). There's a lot of ground to cover. The skill and weapon system is pretty good, and the UI for it is decent.