poster for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Genre: Punching

I've played the main story 1 time and given it an average score of 3 (out of 4).

2020-02-25 50h 0m First Time

What an interesting game. Ok, so first off the story was weak. Some cute quests and characters, but largely forgettable. The inventory and weapon durability was a total frustration point throughout. The map and world were awesome, very extensive and well designed. The collectibles were fine. Cute to find koroks everywhere, but all the picture taking just felt like busywork. I don't want to find every single sword, throw it on the ground, and take a picture. The dungeons were fine. Cool sense of scale, but puzzles were samey and pretty easy. Same for shrines. Combat in the world was pretty good and dynamic. There's a lot of bits there for sure. Quests were ok, but were also very basic. Flying was _very_ fun. Did a lot right, but had a number of very frustrating bits.

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