Genre: Puzzle
I've played the main story 1 time and given it an average score of 4 (out of 4).
This game is part of the 🤝 Collaborative collection.
Mentioned In
- Favorite Media of 2022 (🥇 Gold medal winner)
Full Plays
2022-09-28 4h 52m First Time
Extraordinary. Extremely charming, straightforward but not too simple. Fun to explore and build a little vacation album (captures some of the magic of FFXV in that way). Great level design. Fun taking pictures of hard-to-find things and wear funny clothes. Just a delight, top to bottom.
DLC, etc.
2023-07-29 1h 35m DLC
Great little follow-up to the base game. Fun to explore and do new little quests. Retreads what the original did, but it fit right in.