poster for Black Panther

Black Panther

Originally released in 2018.

I've watched this movie 4 times and given it an average score of 3.75 (out of 4).

This movie won the 🥈Silver medal in my 2018 Yearly Media Review.
2020-08-29 Watch #4

no review

2018-10-11 Watch #3

Michael B Jordan is just so so good. I'm also still impressed by the pacing of this movie.

2018-04-23 Watch #2

Better than I remember. The killmonger story is really intense and the supporting cast did a great job

2018-02-17 Watch #1

Amazing art. Great story. Good acting. Cool characters and fights. So important for the representation and cultural aspect. The biggest thing holding it back were the predictability, pacing, and writing. Seriously a lot to like here though.