Captain America: The First Avenger
Originally released in 2011.
I've watched this movie 5 times and given it an average score of 3.6⭐ (out of 4).
Watch #5
Really holds up in its pacing and writing. Good ensemble and lots of slow moments let it not hit you over the head with action (like some later movies).
Watch #4
no additional notes, see rating and/or other watches.
Watch #3
I think most of the action scenes don't hold up that well, but the core of the movie is great. Stellar cast, too.
Watch #2
Lots of good. Moved well, helped sympathize with the characters. A cool setup for things to come. Natalie Dormer and Jenna Coleman!
Watch #1
no additional notes, see rating and/or other watches.
🍿 Watched in a theater.