All Game Genres
I categorize games I've played into into a basic genre based on their core gameplay loop. It's not an exact science, but it helps ensure I'm not playing a bunch of the same style of game in a row. The genres are as follows:
- Base Building games (8 plays) are categorized by building structures and being able to customize the layout of your home area.
- Bullet Hell games (5 plays) are categorized by having to avoid flying projectices.
- Management Sim games (7 plays) are categorized by managing resources and expanding capabilities over time.
- Metroidvania games (10 plays) are categorized by large, interconnected maps and progression blocked by ability acquisition.
- Open World games (15 plays) are categorized by self-directed story progression and (probably) many icons placed on a map.
- Platformer games (45 plays) are categorized by running and jumping while trying not to fall off something.
- Programming games (13 plays) are categorized by puzzles, but with a focus on algorithms or actual code.
- Punching games (62 plays) are categorized by combat where pressing a button corresponds to throwing a punch or swinging a sword. Most action games fall into this category.
- Puzzle games (137 plays) are categorized by solving puzzles, either atmospheric or explicit.
- RTS games (39 plays) are categorized by making split-second decisions to achieve your goal; pausing may be possible.
- Racing games (1 play) are categorized by going fast.
- Rhythm games (3 plays) are categorized by doing something rhythmically.
- Roguelike games (20 plays) are categorized by a repetitious gameplay loop where you improve or grow over time.
- Shooting games (36 plays) are categorized by aiming and firing.
- Sports games (6 plays) are categorized by playing matches where someone wins.
- Stealth games (11 plays) are categorized by doing your best not to be seen or caught.
- Survival games (2 plays) are categorized by defending yourself (or your squad) against the environment.
- Tactics games (16 plays) are categorized by commanding an army or party across a grid.
- Turn Based games (29 plays) are categorized by taking discrete, alternating, un-timed turns in combat.
- Walk & Talk games (68 plays) are categorized by advancing dialogue or exploring without danger.